Friday, July 6, 2007

A well deserved break

Today is our first day off in two weeks and I slept in until 10 and it was amazing. In Toronto/Milwaukee getting up at ten on a day when I have nothing to do is early. Here, it seems wonderfully late. Tomorrow our field trip is looking at the sites around Madaba so I don't have to be up and at em until 10 as well. Good stuff.

A friend and I decided to take our day off and take a leisurely stroll around town and look for scarves and jewlery. Unfortunately, we didn't take into account that it's Friday in a Muslim country and most stores wont be open for another hour, so we detoured here where I am sitting between two 14 year old boys playing counterstrike. Wait, am I back in Shorewood in Freshman year? Could be.

As far as news goes, there's not much. Last night we had a Jordan vs Canada soccer game with some of the guys who work with us on the site. As a girl I sat on the sidelines which made me miss home. Even with one of the Jordanians playing on our side we got our butts kicked. I think this has more to do with the majority of the Canadians being archaeologist from UofT then us being North Americans though. Still...we should have represented a little better. After the guys were done playing a couple of us girls stole the ball and played for 5 minutes or so and amazed the Jordanians. They couldn't believe that we were better than our male counterparts.

Getting to know the workers a little bit has been one of the best parts about this trip. We still get looks when we walk around town, so it's good to know locals and feel a little less like foreigners and tourists.

That's all for now

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